The Beginner Rider
The Beginner rider will learn to:
- Lead a Pony safely.
- Adjust Stirrup length from the ground
- Check and adjust the girth before mounting
- Mount and dismount safely
- Learn to steer
- Learn how to make a pony walk and halt
- Ride changes of rein
- Trot without holding on to the saddle
Work towards ABRS Equitation Tests 1 and 2
The Novice Rider
The Novice rider will learn to:
- Improve position in walk and trot
- Canter! You will practice and practice until you can canter without holding on to the saddle
- Do figures in the school in trot- 20m circle, Figure of eight & 3 loop serpentines
- Work over ground poles
- Learn the jumping position
Work towards ABRS Equitation Tests 3 and 4
The Intermediate Rider
The intermediate rider will learn to:
- Adjust your stirrups and girth before and after mounting
- Walk and trot without stirrups
- Work in open order
- Have an understanding of more complex school figures
- Small jumps
- Ride in walk, trot and canter in the open/out hacking
Work towards ABRS Equitation Tests 5 and 6
The Advanced Rider & Advanced +
Now it gets serious! You will have progressed to a point where you will learn to:
- Tack-up and untack
- Ride with a good sympathetic position in walk trot and canter
- Canter without Stirrups
- Ride courses of jumps
- Rider lateral movements- leg yield, turn on the forehand and rein-back
- Have a deeper understanding of your mount
Work towards ABRS Equitation Tests 7, 8, 9 & 10